RIP Robert Axelrod

#RIP: we are saddened to report that actor Robert Axelrod has died at the age of 70. He voiced Lord Zedd in “#MightyMorphinPowerRangers: The Movie”; Lord Zedd / Finster “Might Morphin #PowerRangers” (TV series), “Power Rangers #Zeo”, “Power Rangers in Space”; Mutantrum in “Power Rangers #LostGalaxy”; Thin Man in “Power Rangers #TimeForce”; played Egrid in #StarTrek #Voyager; racially confused veteran in #TheRevenant; Shimazaki (voice) in #Akira; Frank in #AmazingStories; & more, including a lot more voice work.

Our condolences to his family, friends & fans. May he rest in peace.

Robert Axelrod (1949-2019)

Robert Axelrod (1949-2019)


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